Block EnergyTM LLC, founded as Emera Technologies, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Emera Inc. with a
dedicated and nimble team focused on developing new ways to deliver renewable energy to customers.
Headquartered in Tampa, Florida, the team engages experts, research organizations and technology
leaders to capitalize on the disruptive challenges and innovation opportunities in today’s energy
industry. They’ve developed BlockEnergy, the first utility-owned business model delivering a distributed
energy solution to new residential communities.

About The BlockEnergy System
BlockEnergy System is the world’s first utility-focused, front-of-the-meter, distributed renewable energy platform for new build communities of all sizes. Owned, operated and maintained by the local utility, Block Energy is the first truly plug-and-play energy system. Comprised of a simple kit of parts, BlockEnergy is installed by local utilities as a capital asset to deliver the most advanced, secure, reliable power available. Scalable, storm-resilient and able to interoperate seamlessly with the local grid when needed, Block Energy puts rooftop solar, energy storage and smart distributed controls throughout new communities of all sizes. These homes are joined together in a network, creating self-sustaining BlockLoops, able to independently power homes without disruption.